NBL25: The tall and the short of it

NBL25: The tall and the short of it

Thursday, September 5, 2024

How does your team measure up ahead of the NBL25 season? Our look at the heights of every rostered player.

If you’ve ever wondered where your team stands across the league, look no further. With an 18-year-old draft hopeful being the tallest player in NBL25, a Tasmanian Game 5 hero is at the other end of the scale.

Here’s how your team measures up for the season ahead.

Check out the tallest and shortest teams at the bottom of the article.

Nb L25 Header Adl

Average height: 197cm
Tallest player: 211cm (Griscti, Humphries)
Shortest player: 180cm (Davis)
Players above 200cm: 5 (D'arcy, Griscti, Humphries, Martin, Mayen)
Players below 190cm: 2 (Cadee, Davis)

PG: Davis 180cm / Cadee 183cm
SG: Vasiljevic 190cm / Marshall 198cm / Rasmussen 190cm / Ipassou 196cm
SF: Dech 195cm / Mayen 206cm / Rigoni 197cm / D’arcy 201cm
PF: Martin 208cm / Starling 199cm
C: Humphries 211cm / Griscti 211cm

Nb L25 Header Bne

Average height: 199cm
Tallest player: 220cm (Zikarsky)
Shortest player: 188cm (Batemon, Norton, Savage)
Players above 200cm: 7 (Adel, Bannan, Bairstow, Harrison, Kunen, Smith-Milner, Zikarsky)
Players below 190cm: 4 (Batemon, Norton, Savage, White)

PG: Batemon 185cm / Norton 185cm  / Savage 185cm
SG: McDaniel 198cm / White 188cm / Devers 191cm
SF: Prather 198cm / Cook 196cm /  Kunen 203cm
PF: Bannan 208cm / Adel 201cm / Bairstow 201cm
C: Harrison 216cm / Zikarsky 220cm / Smith-Milner 206cm

Nb L25 Header Cns

Average height: 200cm
Tallest player: 2.10m (Gak)
Shortest player: 1.86cm (Adnam)
Players above 200cm: 7 (Gak, Galloway, Groves, Higgins-Titsha, Stith, Stattmann, Waardenburg)
Players below 190cm: 1 (Adnam)

PG: Armstrong 196cm / Makoi 195cm/ Adnam 186cm
SG: Edwards 192cm / Antonio 195cm / Higgins-Titsha 202cm
SF: Bradshaw 196cm / Stith 200cm / Stattmann 202cm
PF: Waardenburg 210cm/ Galloway 204cm
C: Groves 206cm / Gak 210cm

Nb L25 Header Ill

Average height: 200cm
Tallest player: 213cm (Froling)
Shortest player: 193cm (Harvey)
Players above 200cm: 4 (Froling, Olbrich, Peatling, Yates)
Players below 190cm: 0  

PG: Kell III 193cm / Hickey 194cm
SG: Harvey 193cm / Grida 197cm / Triplett 196cm
SF: Swaka Lo Buluk 198cm / Lee 201cm / Blanchfield 198cm
PF: Days 198cm  / Peatling 203cm / Yates 208cm
C: Froling 213cm / Olbrich 208cm

Nb L25 Header Mu

Average height: 198cm
Tallest player: 213cm (Lee)
Shortest player: 184cm (Foxwell)
Players above 200cm:(Aliir Bowen, Lee, Loe, Krebs, Koppens, White)
Players below 190cm: 2 (Ili, Foxwell)

PG: Ili 187cm / Cameron 197cm / Foxwell 184
SG: Dellavedova 193cm / Clark 192cm / Blogg 194cm
SF: Goulding 195cm / Krebs 200cm
PF: White 201cm / Bowen 205cm / Koppens 201cm
C: Lee 213cm / Loe 211cm / Aliir 204cm

Nb L25 Header Nzb

Average height: 198cm
Tallest player: 208cm (Gillespie)
Shortest player: 180cm (Jackson-Cartwright)
Players above 200cm: 7 (Anticevich, Bairstow, Bolden, Gillespie, Lopez, Mennenga, Pineau)
Players below 190cm: 3 (Jackson-Cartwright, McCarron, Mooney)

PG: Jackson-Cartwright 180cm / McCarron 189cm
SG: Mooney 188cm / Bairstow 200cm
SF: King 196cm / Lopez 202cm
PF: Bolden 203cm / Anticevich 206cm / Darling 198cm
C: Gillespie 208cm / Mennenga 206cm / Pineau 206cm

Nb L25 Header Per

Average height: 199cm
Tallest player: 210cm (Pinder)
Shortest player: 182cm (Cotton)
Players above 200cm: 7 (Almansa, Doolittle, Gerovich, Harris, Okwera, Pinder, Wagstaff)
Players below 190cm: 1 (Cotton)

PG: Webster 193cm / Henshall  195cm / Russo-Nance 190cm
SG: Cotton 182cm / Pepper 193cm
SF: Windler 198cm / M Harris 193cm / Gerovich 200cm
PF: Doolittle 201cm / Almansa 208cm / H Harris  204cm / Wagstaff 203cm
C: Pinder 210cm / Okwera 208cm

Nb L25 Header Sem

Average height: 196cm
Tallest player: 209cm (Hunter)
Shortest player: 184cm (Ayre, Walton Jr)
Players above 200cm: 5 (Hunter, Hurt, Lewis, Majok, Vodanovic)
Players below 190cm: 4 (Ayre, Foxwell, Sobey, Walton Jr)

PG: Walton Jr 184cm / Ayre 184cm / Foxwell 188cm
SG: Sobey 188cm / Glover 193cm / Rosendale 196cm
SF: Wieskamp 198cm / Kenyon 196cm / Fennell 196cm
PF: Hurt 206cm/ Lewis 202cm / Vodanovich 201cm
C: Hunter 209cm / Majok 206cm

Nb L25 Header Syd

Average height: 198cm
Tallest player: 210cm (Spurgin)
Shortest player: 183cm (Adams)
Players above 200cm: 7 (Amir, Cooks, Galloway, Lau, Oliver, Spurgin, Toohey)
Players below 190cm: 2 (Adams, Le’Afa)

PG: Adams 183cm / Bruce 192cm
SG: Kuol 198cm / Le'Afa 188cm / Amir 201cm
SF: Toohey 205cm / Galloway 200cm / Robertson 195cm / Maluach 195cm / Lau 200cm
PF: Cooks 204cm / Noi 198cm
C: Oliver 203cm / Leaupepe 198cm / Spurgin 210cm

Nb L25 Header Tas

Average height: 196cm
Tallest player: 211cm (Gak)
Shortest player: 168cm (Crawford)
Players above 200cm: 6 (Deng, Gak, Krslovic, Magnay, Steindl, Woodhill)
Players below 190cm: 4 (Crawford, Macdonald, Nunn)

PG: Crawford 168cm / Macdonald 189cm / Nunn 184cm
SG: Doyle 196cm / Sword 191cm / Stoddart 189cm
SF: Drmic 198cm / Steindl 200cm / Woodhill 205cm
PF: Deng 205cm / Te Rangi 198cm /
C: Magnay 208cm / Gak 211 cm / Krslovic 203cm

At 208 centimetres, Will Magnay is one of the tallest players in the league.

Where your team stacks up

Average height
200cm: Cairns, Illawarra
199cm: Perth
198cm: Brisbane, Melbourne, New Zealand, Sydney Kings
197cm: Adelaide
196cm: South East Melbourne, Tasmania

And the players...

Rocco Zikarsky - 220cm
Tyrell Harrison - 216cm
Sam Froling - 213cm
Ben Griscti - 211cm
Isaac Humphries - 211cm

Jordan Crawford - 168cm
Kendric Davis - 180cm
Parker Jackson-Cartwright - 180cm
Bryce Cotton - 182cm
Jason Cadee - 183cm
Jaylen Adams - 183cm
