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Curry Cooking Games in Australia

Monday, July 25, 2022
Seth Curry wants to see NBA games played in Australia.
Photo: Over 52,000 fans were in attendance at Marvel Stadium when Team USA played the Australian Boomers in 2019.
Seth Curry wants to see NBA games played in Australia.
The Brooklyn Nets’ guard is heading down under next week for a promotional tour and said it’s a matter of when, not if, the NBA will schedule a game in Melbourne or Sydney.
“I think it’s going to happen eventually, I do,” he told The Herald Sun.
“I keep hearing about the great fans over there who watch a lot of basketball.
“The NBA is always trying to expland and get games in front of fans all over the globe.”
Curry said the long flight and travel could be negated by teams playing more than one game.
“But if teams could go over there and play two or three games at a time, for pre-season or whatever it is, I think they’re going to get it done,” he added.