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Delly Ready for JackJumpers Challenge Ahead of NBL Finals Debut

Wednesday, April 27, 2022
He has played on the biggest stage of the NBA Finals and won an NBA championship, but Matthew Dellavedova doesn’t know what to expect in his NBL Finals debut on Thursday other than knowing it's going to be tough and physical as he attempts to win a title with Melbourne United.
Written for nbl.com.au by Chris Pike
He has played on the biggest stage of the NBA Finals and won an NBA championship, but Matthew Dellavedova doesn’t know what to expect in his NBL Finals debut on Thursday other than knowing it's going to be tough and physical as he attempts to win a title with Melbourne United.
There were certainly expectations when Dellavedova signed with United for their championship defence this season that he could help them at least get themselves back to the finals and to be a chance of going back-to-back for the first time.
After all, he brings with him 499 games of NBA experience which included winning a championship with the Cleveland Cavaliers in 2016, and another trip to the finals the year prior.
He's also an Olympic bronze medallist with the Boomers so Dellavedova isn’t shy of the big stage or of being part of teams with a target on their back, and he knew that would be the case when he joined United for #NBL22.
However, he's more than held up his end of the bargain delivering 10.6 points, 4.8 assists and 3.0 rebounds while United claimed a second straight regular season championship at 20-8 to head into the finals with home court advantage.
Their semi-final series with the Tasmania JackJumpers now begins on Thursday night at John Cain Arena and while Dellavedova can't tell you yet how it compares to an NBA playoff campaign, he can't wait to find out.
"I'll let you know how it compares after Thursday but I know it's going to be tough, it's going to be physical and it's going to be competitive," Dellavedova said.
"They're a team that plays really hard and gets after the offensive boards so we're going to have to box out and scrap on the boards."
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Dellavedova missed the final regular season game for United on Saturday in Hobart against the JackJumpers after a minor dental procedure, but there's no question mark over how ready he is for Thursday's Game 1.
He also can't fault United's preparation for the rapid fire series with Game 2 on Saturday in Hobart and then if needed, the decider back at John Cain Arena on Monday.
"I'm all good and I'm looking forward to Thursday. We had a good training session today and the boys are focused, and getting ready to go. Our preparation has been good so far," he said.
"Obviously we played them on the weekend so we know they are a good team who is playing really good basketball. So we're just going through some video, scout report, plays on the floor and everyone's really focused."
Having joined a United team who has won two of the past four NBL championships, Dellavedova was fully aware that would be the goal again this season as they attempt to win back-to-back titles for the first time.
The first goal was to qualify for the playoffs and he's glad they've been able to do that, but now they won't be happy with anything but celebrating a championship over the next couple of weeks.
"United won the championship last year so there's always been that target on our back for the team throughout the season," Dellavedova said.
"We're just focused on what we have to do and obviously they've had a really good season, and played great basketball so we know what the JackJumpers are capable of against us. We're going to have to be ready right from the start.
"As a club, that's what United is all about to be playing finals basketball. It's tough when you only have four teams making finals and we're definitely excited to be in, but the goal is to win a championship and that starts on Thursday night."
While there's no room for sentiment about the remarkable JackJumpers story for them to qualify for the finals in their inaugural NBL season to be United's opponents in the semi finals, he is fully aware of the challenge they present.
The two teams are the best defensive outfits in the competition this season so it's going to be quite the grind to determine the winner and who qualifies for the Grand Final.
While respectful of what the JackJumpers have done, Dellavedova is just focused on the job of hand of trying to figure out the ways United can overcome them, and then go out and get the job done starting Thursday night.
"We know what they are capable of and we know where they've hurt us previously. We're going to have to be focused and locked in, and ready to go to get the win on Thursday," he said.
"It's really impressive to start a team from scratch and make the finals in the first season. To build up a culture that you can see they are hardworking, they are tight-knit and they play hard. They've got rewarded for their efforts now.
"I think it just starts with knowing the scout report, knowing what plays they want to run, what things we want to take away and then just going out and executing.
"They play the full 24 seconds of the shot clock so even when we do defend the initial action, stay disciplined and defending without fouling, and making sure we finish with the rebound will be our focus on every possession."
It's hard to know what the true expectations of Dellavedova was coming into the NBL for the first time after his outstanding NBA career with the Cavs and Milwaukee Bucks, but it would be fair to say he's at least live up to those, if not surpassed them.
Not only has he put up the 10.6 points and 4.8 assists, but he's been one of the best defensive guards in the league and his three-point shooting has continued to improve the longer the season has gone on, and is currently at a more than respectable 37.7 per cent.
On the back of what he did in the NBA, Dellavedova knew there would be a bit of an adjustment to the different game style in the NBL, but he has enjoyed the experienced and to have become fully invested in the United culture.
"I obviously talked to different people about it and what to expect, but experiencing it is something completely different," Dellavedova said.
"I knew it was going to be physical, competitive and a lot of changes in defences and things like that. I've really enjoyed the challenge and enjoyed the boys and the culture that United has here of just working hard and it being about the team.
"I think personally as the season has gone on, I've improved as a player playing a different role than I had in a role, and gotten more comfortable of where I'm going to be able to make plays for the team."