Cotton lashes “comical” decision

Cotton lashes “comical” decision

Monday, February 24, 2025

"I’m going to continue to live my life and I won’t let that impact how I live it."

Bryce Cotton has hit out at the Australian Government after his bid for Australian citizenship was delivered a huge setback.

The West Australian reports the Perth Wildcats’ superstar has now all but given up hope of being naturalised after his initial four-year ban was extended - all because he spent more than 90 days overseas in the last 12 months.

“As far as I’m concerned, they can keep it. If it’s taken all this, they can keep it,” he told the masthead.

“I’m going to continue to live my life and I won’t let that impact how I live it.”

The news won’t stop him from heading home to the United States again, even though it will likely push his eligibility date back further.

“If I don’t want to leave the country, I don’t have to because I’m a permanent resident,” he added.

“For all the hula hoops that I’ve had to go through, it’s pretty comical. If it’s that big a deal to them, keep it because I’m sure once I lodge (an application), they will come up with something else. They can do whatever they want to do. I don’t care.”

With further delays in becoming naturalised, Cotton’s desires to one day represent Australia as Boomer seem more unlikely.

After winning his fifth NBL MVP award the soon to be out of contract 32-year-old will lead his team into the Playoffs against Melbourne United in Game 1 on Thursday night, before deciding on his playing future at the conclusion of the season.

Read the full story >> Perth Wildcats star Bryce Cotton hits out at government after citizenship ban is extended amid excess travel

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