MUST-WATCH: Four hours of Tuesday night NBL

MUST-WATCH: Four hours of Tuesday night NBL

Saturday, March 1, 2025

It’s NBL at its best, and you don’t want to miss it this Tuesday night.

We’re going Coast-To-Coast on Tuesday night, with four hours of NBL coverage to enjoy on ESPN!

It all tips off at 5.30pm AEDT, with NBL Slam, before the boys present a very special live edition of NBL Overtime from 6. 

Felix Von Hofe, Pete Hooley and Lanard Copeland are back from 7pm for the smash-hit Pre-Game Show, presented by, before Melbourne and Perth face off in a do-or-die Game 3 from John Cain Arena.

It’s NBL at its best, and you don’t want to miss it!

Watch ESPN from 5.30pm AEDT, because this deep in the Finals Series, Every Moment Matters. 

Your NBL Guide

5.30pm AEDT - NBL Slam
6pm AEDT - NBL Overtime, Live Edition
7pm AEDT: NBL Pre-Game, presented by
7.30pm AEDT: Melbourne United v Perth Wildcats, Game 3

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