JackJumpers farewell Bairstow

JackJumpers farewell Bairstow

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

"JB has been at the forefront of creating the culture that has been so crucial to our success."

The Tasmania JackJumpers have farewelled one of their inaugural team members, informing Jarred Bairstow his contract won't be extended beyond NBL24.

Bairstow lined up on 66 occasions for the JackJumpers, including 28 appearances in NBL22, after previous stints with the Perth Wildcats and Brisbane Bullets.

“Jarred has been an integral part of the foundations of this club and we could not be more grateful for what he and his family have contributed over their three years in Tasmania, both on and off the basketball court,” Head Coach Scott Roth said.

“JB has been at the forefront of creating the culture that has been so crucial to our success and setting the standards and values we strive to uphold. In plain, he’s one of the great culture guys and just a great clubman.

“I couldn’t more proud of the guy and the way he holds himself. Both JB and Madi will always be part of the JackJumpers family.”

Tasmania is a long way towards locking in its roster for NBL25, with Clint Steindl, Anthony Drmic, Jack McVeigh, Fabijan Krslovic, Majok Deng, Milton Doyle, Sean Macdonald, Walter Brown and Will Magnay all signed and committed.

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