Flying Foxwell All in on NBL

Flying Foxwell All in on NBL

Thursday, August 25, 2022

The most straightforward path to a long career in basketball is, or rather once was, remarkably simple. Impress in college, get drafted to the NBA, play ball.

By Dan Woods - NBL Media

The most straightforward path to a long career in basketball is, or rather once was, remarkably simple. Impress in college, get drafted to the NBA, play ball. As the game of basketball continues to globalise though there are now a myriad of different options players can take to put their best foot forward in their aspirations of forging a career in the game.

South East Melbourne Phoenix guard Owen Foxwell was in a unique position during NBL22. Like many other young players around the globe he, at one stage, had his mind set on going to college. His status within the professional game threw spanner into the works though, as players plying their trade in NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) must be classified as amateurs. Players would lose this status if they "are paid (in any form) or accept the promise of pay for playing in an athletics contest".

To retain his college elibility, the young star waived his commercial rights. While that certainly wouldn’t have been an easy decision for Foxwell, it seems he’s now all-in on the NBL for the foreseeable future. Much like the path that’s been most recently trodden by former Melbourne United forward Jack White, Foxwell is looking to the NBL to help him become the best player he can be.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">After breaking out during the Throwdown in <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#NBL22</a>, the <a href="">@SEMelbPhoenix</a> have re-signed Owen Foxwell as a DP for the coming season ?<br><br>More at <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; The NBL (@NBL) <a href="">June 30, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

“College is out of the picture for me now,” Foxwell told NBL Media. “I thought the year I had last year with the development I made, I felt staying in a professional environment was the best thing for me and my game. College was, even after the season had finished, still up in the air and I didn’t know what I wanted to do.

“I hadn’t played in two years because of Covid as well, so getting that DP (development player) opportunity could have been a step for me to get ready for college, but Simon (Phoenix head coach Simon Mitchell) and the coaching staff put a massive emphasis into helping my game, and I knew pretty early I wasn’t there to just help out with numbers.

“Simon was awesome through that process for me and helping me move that decision along. In the end I thought for me staying in a professional environment was the best thing for me.”

As Foxwell continues his rise in the NBL, some words of Australian basketball legend Andrew Gaze could well follow him for his career - especially if he hits the heights his team believes he can.

The Phoenix were playing local rivals Melbourne United in the final Throwdown of NBL22. Simon Mitchell looked down his bench in the first quarter and elected to bring in an untried and untested Foxwell, a development player with just two minutes of NBL experience to his name prior to the game.

As the young man entered the fray to directly match up on established Boomers stars Matthew Dellavedova and Chris Goulding, Gaze remarked “[it's] almost unexplainable … this guy’s playing ahead of Kyle Adnam?”.

Foxwell then proceeded to nail a corner three with his first touch of the game, and impress with his application on the defensive end of the floor. His performance against United was the bedrock on which he formed a strong run of late-season form and well-earned court time.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Things you absolutely love to see:<br><br>Owen Foxwell at 18 playing big minutes for the <a href="">@SEMelbPhoenix</a> in a must-win game against their cross-town rivals matching up against an Australian basketball legend in Delly.<a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#NBL22</a> on <a href="">@ESPNAusNZ</a> + <a href="">@kayosports</a> ? <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; The NBL (@NBL) <a href="">April 7, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

“The back-end of the year was a big push to why I wanted to stay. Getting that opportunity was probably the best thing that’s ever happened to me, especially basketball wise. Just that confidence Simon had in me and the want for me to be successful on his behalf,” Foxwell said.

Those late season minutes allowed fans a glimpse into the potential of the plucky young guard, and his form with the Eltham Wildcats in NBL1 South further expanded his repertoire on both ends of the floor.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">? <a href="">@Owenfoxwell</a> scored 38 points, 10 rebounds, 6 assists and 6 steals for <a href="">@elthamwildcats</a> in the <a href="">@NBL1</a> over the weekend. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; South East Melbourne Phoenix (@SEMelbPhoenix) <a href="">July 11, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

“Going from being a development player at the Phoenix where you’re not going to be the one to have to put the ball in the hole all the time or be that main guy who gets everyone going, but at NBL1 level it’s great to have that opportunity to be able to experience both sides of it,” he said.

“Having Sam Short allowed me to play off the ball as well and continue to learn that part of my game where I can run the floor, hit corners and come off different kinds of actions instead of being that main point guard all the time which I think is great for me.

“I would say I used it as a way to expand my game. At Phoenix when I was playing I was coming in and trying to be that disruptor on defence, but I wanted to take that next step with my game. At the NBL1 level where it’s not all professionals, it’s a good place to work on everything I want to get better at and I think I did a good job of that.”

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overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;"><a href=";utm_campaign=loading" style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none;" target="_blank">A post shared by Owen Foxwell (@owenfoxwell)</a></p></div></blockquote> <script async src="//"></script>

After being one of the main leaders in a seriously young Wildcats team, Foxwell has now returned to the Phoenix for pre-season, and he’s keen to resume his tutelage in the game from incoming imports Trey Kell and Gary Browne, as well as continue learning from team captain and NBL mainstay Kyle Adnam.

With Kell being 26 and Browne just 29, it can be argued that both players are in the midst of their athletic primes. Their globetrotting journeys in basketball – Kell has played in five countries, while Browne has played in four – has provided them with a high level of experience of the game. That's experience Foxwell is keen to tap into.

“I’ve had a look at both of them and I’ve heard a lot about them as well. I’m keen to especially pick Gary’s brain, because I’ve heard he’s a true point guard, he knows how to run a team and he knows how to get everyone going,” Foxwell said.

“That’s a big part of the type of role I want to play and take into my game. Learning how to take that next step from him is going to be great.

“Guys like Kyle (Adnam) and (former Phoenix import) Xavier Munford have also been awesome, so just picking the brains of those older guys who’ve been doing it for years is a really good way for me to add things into my game.”

When asked what he wanted to get out of the upcoming season from a personal standpoint, Foxwell paused, before giving a considered and measured answer.

The easy answer would simply have been to say ‘more court time’, but if his experiences from last season are anything to go by that goal can only be achieved through hard work, graft and quite possibly a little bit of luck. When it comes to getting on the NBL floor there are factors outside of his own control.

That's why Foxwell is looking within himself when it comes to what he wants to achieve next season.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">???? ????, ???? ?????? ??<br><br>Memberships: <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; South East Melbourne Phoenix (@SEMelbPhoenix) <a href="">August 18, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

“I want to help the team get better,” he said.

“If it’s in the practice gym where I’m pushing the other guards so they can improve too, if it’s on the court where I’m getting minutes in games, it’s just about putting my best foot forward and bringing what I do well.

“Ahead of that, the main goal is a championship. I think we’ve got the roster, I think we’ve got the coaching staff, and I think we’ve got the pieces to do it.

“I think this is the best chance to do it, with this roster. I’m really looking forward to this season.”