Brady's Manek Few Months

Brady's Manek Few Months

Thursday, August 4, 2022

After missing the playoffs for the first time in 35 years the Perth Wildcats have sent a message to the rest of the NBL with the signing of American import Brady Manek.

By Dan Woods - NBL Media

Having missed the playoffs for the first time in 35 years, the Perth Wildcats have sent a message to the rest of the NBL with the signing of American import Brady Manek.

After four years representing Oklahoma University, before transferring to the North Carolina Tar Heels for his final year of college eligibility, Manek was touted as a possible second-round pick in the recent NBA Draft, but ultimately went undrafted.

He wasn't deterred, going on to impress with Charlotte in the Summer League, which led to interest in his services from teams all around the world.

The Wildcats eventually won Manek's services. 

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">WILDCATS FANS | <br><br>You won&#39;t want to miss this!<a href="">@ScottyCummings_</a> and <a href="">@TimGossage</a> spoke with new import <a href="">@BradyManek</a> to find out what he&#39;ll be bringing to The Jungle in <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#NBL23</a>. <a href="">@PerthWildcats</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; SEN WA Breakfast (@SENWABreakfast) <a href="">August 3, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

“I had teams in Germany, Turkey, Italy and France. There were a lot of places and a lot of offers but, for me, this is the one I wanted to be in … and it’s what me and my family chose to do,” Manek told SEN WA.

“For me to go on this journey and feel out overseas basketball and get paid to play basketball, there’s nothing better than that and I’m really excited.

“The last few months have been a hard process in finishing up with college basketball, then going into the draft process and working out for teams, and then going into Summer League and then choosing to go overseas … for me I thought this would be a good opportunity in a really good league and really good program.

“I’ve seen stuff about Bryce (Cotton) and I’m excited to get to play with him. I know about his history with the team and this league and I know he’s a really good player. I’m excited to get the chance to be a part of it.”

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">? ????? MONDAY ? <br><br>The Perth Wildcats are excited to confirm the signing of sharp-shooting American big Brady Manek for NBL23!<br><br>Read more: <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Perth Wildcats (@PerthWildcats) <a href="">August 1, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

While some players will be coming into pre-season with the goal of gaining fitness or game sharpness, Manek’s hectic schedule over the last two seasons will place him in prime position to hit the ground running in a Wildcats jersey.

He was an integral part of North Carolina’s extended season last year and played in 39 games for the Tar Heels, before heading to Summer League. 

“I haven’t stopped since the beginning of last year. We (North Carolina) played a whole season and went really far into the season,” Manek said said.

“I took about a week off before I met with an agent and the moved away to start the draft process. I did that for three and a half months, and once Summer League was over I had my first down time in a long time.

“I know it’s going to be another long year and this season is going to be another long process. For me, I’m ready to get there and get going.”

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Manek comes into the league with all the physical attributes to be able to make a splash. At six-foot-nine and over 100 kilograms, he’ll have no problem battling with some of the strongest players in the NBL.

He formed a fearsome reputation as one of the best sharpshooting forwards in college basketball the last few years, and hit nearly 50 per cent of his field goal attempts for North Carolina last season, as well as connecting on over 40 per cent of his threes.

Manek says there’s a lot more to his game than just his shooting prowess.

“I’m known as a shooter, people mark me as a shooter but there’s a lot more that goes into me than the stat sheet or making threes,” he said.

“I’m tough, I have high IQ, I know how to play, I know how to play with others, I’m a pretty good passer, I do a lot of things being in the right place at the right time, knowing when to cut, knowing when to make that extra pass and making everyone around me better.

“I’ve played with some really good players and we all bonded really well and played really well together because we were willing to be good teammates. I think that really shows in the kind of person I am.”