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Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Melbourne's Chris Goulding believes Australian basketball is better placed than ever to compete on the world stage.
Melbourne star Chris Goulding has embedded himself not only as a mainstay of Australian basketball over the past decade, but one of its biggest stars.
Now, though, there’s a never before seen level of competition for him – and the rest of the extended Boomers squad – to earn a place on the plane for the FIBA World Cup.
Goulding was a member of Australia’s drought-breaking Olympic bronze medal-winning side of the Tokyo Olympics, and he’s competing with an NBA-laden guard group including Josh Giddey, Dyson Daniels and returning United star Matthew Dellavedova for a place on the World Cup roster.
Now 34, ‘CG43’ has represented his country at two Olympics’ and two World Cups – and he’s hungry to add another international tournament to his resume.
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“Such is the period of Australian basketball we’re in, eventually there’s going to be guys in the NBA who won’t be making our national team,” Goulding told SEN. “I think it’s crazy, but it’s also amazing for basketball in this country.
“There’s a burning flame inside, I love playing for Australia and I want to do it for as long as possible.
“If I go there, give it my all, have an absolute crack and they say it’s time for one of these young NBA guys to come into the team and take the team forward for the next however many years, well then I’m proud of what I’ve contributed to the program and what I’ve achieved, and I’ll be rooting just as hard as if I was there ready to play.
“In saying that, I want to be on that plane to Okinawa and that World Cup.”
The format of the World Cup has undergone drastic changes in recent years. The 2023 edition will see 32 teams enter the tournament for just the second time in history – following the success of the 2019 tournament in which Australia came fourth.
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Prior to the change to the 32-team format, just 24 sides could qualify for the tournament. Even as recently as the 2002 competition, there were only 16 teams competing for gold.
“The way world basketball is heading there’s no easy-beats anymore,” Goulding continued. “Gone are the days where you could pencil in wins.
“There are a lot more teams represented which opens the talent pool up.
“We definitely see it as another opportunity to try and go out there and win a gold medal. That’s what this team has been about the past few years.
“We got across the line to getting a medal – a beautiful bronze one – which was fantastic, but we can’t rest on our laurels there. We want to set our sights up and be the best in the world.”
As it stands, Goulding may be joined on the plane in Boomers colours by Melbourne teammate Matthew Dellavedova, and New Zealand guard pair Flynn Cameron and Shea Ili. While plenty of United talent will be on show at the World Cup, there will be on massive name missing.
Jo Lual-Acuil Jr.
Lual-Acuil Jr is currently sidelined for the foreseeable future with a wrist injury, and Goulding says the entire organisation is empathetic to the fact he won’t be able to represent South Sudan in its World Cup debut.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">That was some scrimmage ?<br><br>Some special guests dropped in for <a href="https://twitter.com/MelbUnited?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@MelbUnited</a>'s first day of pre-season ?<br><br>Read more: <a href="https://t.co/mnE8E7kEc6">https://t.co/mnE8E7kEc6</a> <a href="https://t.co/4qrTICLjDm">pic.twitter.com/4qrTICLjDm</a></p>— NBL (@NBL) <a href="https://twitter.com/NBL/status/1681556103669358592?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 19, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
“It’s some unfortunate news for him” Goulding said. “A really proud South Sudanese man was going to go over there and show the world what he can do.
“We’re feeling for him a little bit, in the regard of he won’t represent his country in the World Cup.
“I think the release was saying something like the first ten games we’d probably be without Jo, so I think we’re going to look for a replacement.
“We have Ariel Hukporti who will step in and play a big chunk of the minutes, but he’s coming off an Achilles injury as well – that centre position probably needs reinforcement.
“Saying that, Jo is one week, two weeks out of a reconstruction and he’s already working out with his left hand, he’s running up and down the sidelines, he’s on the bike, he’s getting a sweat.
“It wouldn’t surprise me if he was back before that.”
Melbourne’s first game of the NBL24 season is set to come against local rivals South East Melbourne on Thursday, September 28.